
The Center is directed by Véronique Fournier and is managed by a multidisciplinary team.



Nicolas Foureur (MD)
Medical practitioner, dermatologist, former chief resident in geriatrics (Curriculum Vitae).

Missions: consultations, training and research in clinical ethics, group facilitation.
Research areas: psychiatry, aging (institutionalization, dependency), end of life, sexual health, clinical ethics.
Direct line : +33 (0)1 58 41 22 28. Mail:



Permanent team members

Marta Spranzi
PhD in history and philosophy of science
Associate Professor at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)

Missions: consultations, education and training, research.
Research interests : end of life issues, professional integrity, the epistemology of clinical ethics methodology, moral philosophy.
Direct line : +33 (0)1 58 41 32 64. Mail:


Milena Maglio
PhD in charge of Philosophy

Missions : international relations, research and publications.
Fields of research : definition of death, organ donation, end of life, bioethics, history of bioethics.
Direct line : +33 (0)1 58 41 22  25. Mail :


Célia du Peuty
Clinical psychologist

Missions : consultations, co-coordination of initiation to clinical ethics and clinical ethics consultation, research and publications.
Fields of research : beginning of life, end of life, neonatal resuscitation, pediatric palliative care, prenatal diagnosis.
Direct line : +33 (0)1 58 41 23 55. Mail :





Denis Berthiau
Lawyer, Senior Lecturer-HDR – University of Paris

Missions : legal support, research, consultation, publications.
Fields of research : beginning of life, end of life, biomedicine law, IVG-IMG-contraception, patient rights.
Direct line : +33 (0)1 58 41 22 25. Mail :


Silvana Théry
Medico-administrative assistant

Missions : secretary ; administrative and financial management of the Center for clinical ethics ; coordination of the agenda and logistics organization ; interface with the different departments and the directions of the Hospital
Special features : phone reception and dispatching ; resource person for the reception of patients, families, trainees and all those who request the Center for clinical ethics
Direct line : +33 (0)1 58 41 22 54. Mail :


Véronique Fournier (MD, PhD)

Founder of the Center for clinical ethics
Public health practitioner and  Cardiologist