English publications

English publications

Please note that only articles written in English are listed here. To access all the articles, please go to publications sur l’éthique clinique and publications thématiques. Booklets are only available in French.
To get access to the articles, please write to: ethique.clinique@aphp.fr.

Publications about clinical ethics

The ‘commitment model’ for clinical ethics consultations : society’s involvement in the solution of individual cases
Véronique Fournier, Marta Spranzi, Nicolas Foureur, Laurence Brunet. The Journal of Clinical Ethics, 2015, 26 :4, 286-296
Online abstract access. Definitive version on request : ethique.clinique@aphp.fr

Clinical ethics: methods
Véronique Fournier. Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics, 2015, chapter 89-1
Online access

The French bioethics debate : norms, values and practices
Véronique Fournier, Marta Spranzi. Medicine Health Care and Philosophy, 2013, 16, 41-44

The normative relevance of cases. Rhetoric and empirical ethics
Marta Spranzi. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 2012, 21, 481-492

Clinical ethics and values : how do norms evolve from practice ?
Marta Spranzi. Medicine Health Care and Philosophy, 2013, 16:1, 93-103

The development of a descriptive evaluation tool for clinical ethics case consultations
Pedersen, S.A. Hurst, J. Schildmann, S. Schuster, B. Molewijk on behalf of the European Clinical Ethics Network.. Clinical Ethics, 2010, 5, 136-141
Definitive version on request : ethique.clinique@aphp.fr

Strengths and limitations of considering patients as ethics « actors » equal to doctors : reflections on the patient’s position in a french clinical ethics consultation setting
Eirini Rari, Véronique Fournier. Clinical Ethics, 2009, 4, 152-155

Clinical ethics consultation in Europe : a comparative and ethical review of the role of patients
Véronique Fournier, Eirini Rari, Reidun Forde, Gerald Neitzke, Renzo Pegoraro, Ainsley J. Newson. Clinical Ethics, 2009, 4, 131-138

Publications ordered by topic

Topic : « End of life »

‘Futility’ as in English or ‘futitilies’ as in French, a valuable semantic misunderstanding ?
Véronique Fournier. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 60:3 (summer 2017), 367-372
Online abstract access. Definitive version on request : ethique.clinique@aphp.fr

Withdrawal of artificial nutrition and hydration in neonatal intensive care : parents’ and healthcare practitioners’ views
Véronique Fournier, Elisabeth Belghiti, Laurence Brunet, Marta Spranzi. Medicine Health Care and Philosophy, published on line, 13 march 2017
Online abstract access. Definitive version on request : ethique.clinique@aphp.fr

The near-failure of advance directives : why they should not be abandoned altogether, but their role radically reconsidered
Marta Spranzi, Véronique Fournier. Medicine Health Care and Philosophy, published on line, 5 may 2016
Online abstract access.  Definitive version on request : ethique.clinique@aphp.fr

Topic : « Beginning of life »

Prenatal diagnosis as a tool and support for eugenics: myth or reality in contemporary french society ?
Marie Gaille, Géraldine Viot. Medicine Health Care and Philosophy, 2013, 16, 83-91

Access to assisted reproductive technologies in France: the emergence of the patients’ voice
Véronique Fournier, Denis Berthiau, Julie d’Haussy, Philippe Bataille. Medicine Health Care and Philosophy, 2013, 16, 55-68

Gamete donation in France: the future of the anonymity doctrine
Laurence Brunet, Jean-Marie Kunstmann. Medicine Health Care and Philosophy, published on line, 29 august 2012

Topic : « Other »

The ethics of living donation for liver transplant : beyond donor autonomy
Véronique Fournier, Nicolas Foureur, Eirini Rari. Medicine Health Care and Philosophy, 2013, 16:1, 45-54

Law, bioethics and practice in France : forging a new legislative pact
Denis Berthiau. Medicine Health Care and Philosophy, 2013, 16:1, 105-113

What homeless people do expect from hospitals : results of and ethics study about patients’ autonomy
Patricia Serres, Julie d’Haussy, Emma Beetlestone, Véronique Fournier, Alain Mercuel, Hélène Léger-Dechamps. European Network of Homeless Health Workers (ENHW), issue n°9, spring 2009
Accepted version

The balance between beneficence and respect for patient autonomy in clinical medical ethics in France
Véronique Fournier. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 2005, 14, 281-286

Booklets edited by the Cec

The Center publishes a series of booklets concerning the results of its research projects or the proceedings of its thematic workshops. The following numbers are currently available (in French), upon request:

Clinical ethics and Covid-19. September 2020

Psychiatry : autonomy under constraint. December 2018

Autologous preservations of oocytes for age reasons: Are there ethical arguments for banning it ? August 2017

The principle of autonomy in clinical ethics – 10 years later. June 2016

To stop food and hydration at the end of life. July 2015

Advance directives for people over 75 years of age. April 2013

Medicine and Old Age : 7 citizens’ debates… that lead to the deconstruction of many preconceived ideas. 2011-2012

When the request for a child disturbs ethics… July 2011

Asking for the death of your child… June 2009

The person of trust, what practice ? What are the prospects ? July 2008

Clinical Ethics at Cochin Hospital – A method facing practical experience. October 2007

What to do when an elderly person no longer wants to eat ? April 2006

Ethical issues of the health consequences of precariousness. January 2005

The ethical test at the end of life. March 2006

Different points of view in clinical ethics. November 2003

Ethical issues of liver transplants with living donors. October 2004