In France
Clinical ethics consultation responds to a growing need in medical practice. Several experiments have been carried out in France in recent years. As in other countries, issues, approaches and methods differ according to the institutional context and the availability of people (see publications on clinical ethics).
Due to its age and institutional framework, the Centre for Clinical Ethics of AP-HP organized in june 2017 a first « Clinical Ethics Consultations Day » in France. Several actors in the field were able to compare their consultation practices as well as their difficulties and reflections:
– prospective or retrospective consultations
– with or without a collective staff meeting, more or less multidisciplinary
– providing oral or written advice
– accessible or not to the patient and his relatives
An annual day of this type will be organized in order to extend the French reflection on clinical ethics consultation
- January 24, 2020 – Angers
- December 7, 2018 – Paris, Cochin hospital
- June 9, 2017 – Paris, Cochin hospital
- January 6, 2012 – Nantes
Other services with which the CEC maintains more regular relations are:
– Nantes :
– Lille :
In Europe
The Centre for Clinical Ethics is part of a European Clinical Ethics Network (ECEN), that meets twice a year.
The members of the network represent various important European institutions that practice and promote what is known as « Clinical Ethics Support Services » (consultations, ethics committees, mediation, moral deliberations). They facilitate exchanges, joint publications and organize an international summer school.
The members of the Centre regularly participate in the congress of the European Association of Centers of Medical Ethics (EACME) and maintain privileged relations with certain European centres, such as the Institute of Ethics, History, Humanities, Geneva (Switzerland)
At the international level
The Centre has privileged contacts with the MacLean Centre for Clinical Medical Ethics, Chicago (USA), a historical source of the genesis of the CEC. Its members regularly participate in the annual meetings of the International Conference on Clinical Ethics Consultation (ICCEC), whose event it organized in 2014.